BAWA meeting March 16, 2025
Combined in person and Zoom meeting held at Foster City Library
President Paul Krenitsky called the meeting to order.
Program Announcements – Paul Krenitsky
Paul set up a demonstration by Shaper Origin on Saturday, Apr 19 at 2:00pm at the Mission Community Woodshop in San Francisco. He recommends everyone arrive at about 1:00 for a tour of the shop before the demo. Carpooling or public transportation is recommended, as parking is very limited.
The next meeting will be Sunday, April 27, the week after Easter.
Featured Speakers
Speaker 1: Eric Edwards
Eric brought in the poplar flower pot holder he made. It looks like fingers holding up the pot. He used a template and router to make the curved fingers.
Speaker 2: Laura Marshall
Laura brought in a four stacked box lamp she made. The four boxes have no top and bottom and two were mounted at a 45 degree angle to the remaining two. She is not sure what the wood is, but she had it amongst the piles of wood she acquired one day. She did not apply a finish to the wood. She mounted an LED light at the bottom of the stack.
Laura also showed off the floor mounted toilet paper holder she made. It stands tall enough to hold four spare rolls. The active roll feeds out through what looks like a dog's mouth. She had her husband 3D print a dog nose to mount in the appropriate spot on the face of the holder. Again, she is not sure what the wood is, but she had it in her shop storage. Everyone agreed that it was cute.
She talked about the cherry sofa table she made for a friend. It took her 9 months to complete. She left the finishing up to the friend.
Speaker 3: Max Goldstein
Max brought in a cherry box he made. All sides have matching grain where they meet at the corners. The top has a bent lamination handle. He pre-finished the box with Odie's Oil before gluing it together. He taped off the areas that would be glued so they would not be oiled. He failed to tape off the area on the top where the handle was to be mounted, so he had to sand off the finish before the handle could be glued on. He showed slides of the former boxes he made. He also showed slides of the miter sled he made for the tablesaw. Max bought a spline jig for cutting the spline pockets on the mitered corners.
Again we had a 30 minute break after the talks. This gave members a chance to mingle and talk.
Show and Tell
Laura Rhodes
Laura brought in a Inkle loom she made. She does card weaving on it. She made the shuttle for it too. She had a few feet of beautiful woven ribbon/strap on it that she is working on. She hopes to make enough to cover a seat.
Jess ???
Jess brought in the Swiss made Zyliss Multi-purpose Vise that she uses on her job sites. She demonstrated its versatility
Lloyd Worthington-Levy
Lloyd brought in a box with inlaid native Hawaiian flowers on the top cover. He made this one as a test piece before making one out of Koa, which is very expensive these days.